China's biggest & best Customer Contact Management and CRM Event.

2nd Annual CCM China Conference & Exposition,an unparalleled event in China for customer contact management and CRM solution.

Some of the highlights for this year's CCM China 2003 program include:

Show Management:

CTI Forum
Adress: 513 Room,No.20 Xinde Street,Xicheng District, Beijing, China 100088
Tel: +86-10-82012787 82079677
Fax: +86-10-62041062

Beijing Bullseye Exhibition & Convention Services Co., Ltd.
Adress:Innovation Building, No.11,AnxiangBeili,District, Beijing, China 100101
Tel: +86-10-96096789 64837833
Fax: +86-10-64837834

凌云县| 桦南县| 密山市| 武冈市| 行唐县| 汉川市| 丹东市| 安图县| 大埔县| 宝山区| 元阳县| 德州市| 庆安县| 育儿| 灵山县| 页游| 宝鸡市| 女性| 乃东县| 江津市| 沛县| 临西县| 山丹县| 台南县| 无极县| 汤原县| 双鸭山市| 宁德市| 大关县| 肇庆市| 乌拉特后旗| 阳江市| 城口县| 榆树市| 留坝县| 都兰县| 吴川市| 辽源市| 武宁县| 龙海市| 通许县|